Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Child, My Mirror

"Mom, I can't sleep over at my friend's house this weekend, and I don't feel like myself. Can I sleep in your room tonight?"

Fear. My child is a mirror of fear. It's not rational. It's not calm. It robs us of the joy that we're meant to feel.

I comfort him, understanding that he must learn to find safety again in this world. I reassure him that we're safe. I look into his teary eyes and say that he needs to find his safe place amongst the chaos, but I know that they're just words to him. His world feels unsafe as the police continue to search out the man who broke into my neighbor's house (the same man who passed out on our front porch after entering our house).

I know in my heart that we are safe, but how do I convey this to a very scared nine-year-old?

The words fall short. Hugs feel like a temporary reprieve. Our fears are a prison.

He is very connected to animals, so we talked about what animals are special to him. The wolf and the dargon are his special animals. Maybe this connection with Divinity is the key to conquering our fears; a belief that we are protected by that which we might not see or be able to touch with our fingers. He asked both to protect him and to help him feel safe.

The tears have stopped. He's reading a book, and perhaps his faith in the animal connection that he feels will allow him to face his fears--not alone, but with the guidance of Divinity in whatever form we are most comfortable. I am grateful to offer him support as he searches to find his way through the swamp of fear.


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