Friday, September 2, 2011

Today's Intention: Being Present

I set my intention for today: I will focus on being present.

The Universe provided me with several opportunities to step out of the present and into worries of the future.

When my cats wanted to go outside at dawn, I wondered if the fox who saunters through our yard would enjoy one of them for breakfast. I stopped. I looked out the door, said a prayer for their safety, and stepped aside, while my cats wandered out onto the deck.

Then I spent some time listening to the worries and stresses of others. Slowly, their anxious way of thinking began to seep into my thoughts. I stopped. I took a deep breath and thought, "Right now, I am safe. All of my needs are met. I choose love right now." A calmness embraced me. I sighed, relieved to feel centered in the midst of their storm.

Then I received several tasks that all have immediate deadlines with detailed directions. My mind immediately raced, worrying about how I would remember everything, how I would find the time to complete the tasks, and how I would prioritize each task. I stopped. Because I was alone, I closed my eyes and reminded myself that in this very moment I have everything I need and am filled with love. I sat down and made a complete list of each task. I took a deep breath and smiled--another victory.

Then I was given the gift of chatting with a kindred spirit. My thoughts strayed momentarily as we began to dialogue worried, "What if..." I worried about the judgement of others. I stopped. Our conversation felt "right," like we were each speaking our truth, which was exactly right. I honored my inner voice.

Then with the ongoing parade of police cars in and out of my neighbor's driveway, I had the opportunity to flip out as my neighbor shared the newest information. Instead, I took deep breaths while she spoke (cell phone to cell phone) and my son lit candles; my intention was to invite in the angels and my other spirit guides to embrace our house and my family with peace and love. My son is sleeping in his own room tonight.

On my own, I feel like a candle desperately clinging to the flame as the wind threatens to extinguish it. When I stop my fearful thoughts of "what if," I am able to ask Divinity for help. It is in that moment that I'm able to release all worries because I recognize that I'm exactly where I'm meant to be doing exactly what I'm meant to be doing. If the flame is blown out, then that's exactly right. If the flame survives the wind, then that's exactly right. I accept that now is exactly right.


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