Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Calm on the Eve

Tonight is my last official night of summer vacation, and yet, it is a school night as I need to go to school tomorrow. The two exist simultaneously.

My summer was such a gift. I lived mostly in the moment. When I was swimming, I swam and looked for the pictures in the clouds. When I was sailing, I sailed and focused on the wind, water, and boat (ok, and slightly distracted by rainbows and fear, but I was mostly present!). When I watched the boys swimming in the pool, I watched them play and treasured their laughter. If other thoughts floated in, I acknowledged them and let them float away. I relaxed. Each moment was exactly as it was meant to be, and emotionally, I truly was at ease.

The coming school year has only just begun to truly move into the forefront of my thoughts, and I'm ready to shift gears. I am ready to be present in the coming moments. When I am with my students (who I love), I teach, listen, laugh, and guide. When I am in meetings, I listen for and think about how I can best help the adults (including myself) help kids. When I am working with my own sons on their homework, I listen to them with the same compassion that I have for other people's children. Of course, I must plan lessons to guide and facilitate student learning, but I choose to live in the peacefulness of I am here right now.

So on the eve of September, of school, and of a new day, I sit calm and peaceful in this moment. All of the unfinished business of today will be there in the morning. I embrace the opportunities and challenges when they arise, knowing that these too shall pass. No worrying will get the job done; in fact, when I allow the anxiety of the future to grip me in its clutches, my creativity is shut down. That helps no one, especially me. The only business of today that I must finish before I rest is to let my loved ones know that I love them, to ask their forgiveness for any hurts that I've inflicted, and to pray that we choose to trust Divine love, joy, and peace.


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