Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Messages From Above

 As I was driving down my half mile driveway, I looked up and saw this amazing white disk brilliant in the sky. I smiled, happy to see the setting moon greet me this morning. It seems as though I was given a message.

The moon descends as the end of night approaches. An ending. It is not a time of mourning nor a time of fear nor of resistance. The night will end. The day will begin. Darkness will give way to light. It is a simple acceptance.  

Then I drove almost a mile to school. I looked out my colleague's window. I was in awe of the gorgeous sun rising in the eastern sky over the village of Trumansburg. The tiny black dots in the sky are seagulls; these flocks dotted the sky. My smile grew. I was honored to witness the sun rising. It isn't news. But, today, I was able to witness the morning miracle. I snapped two shots in succession of the sun rising a bit more in the bottom picture. I received another message.

The moon delivered the message of endings; the rising sun delivered the message of beginnings.

My colleague looked out of his window a bit reluctantly and pointed out that the brilliant morning sky was a sure sign of bad weather to come. I nodded to indicate that I heard his words, but inside I shook my head and thought, "This is magnificent. It's going to be a gorgeous day. If the predicted storms arrive, then so be it, but right now, I am in awe. My heart is full."

Of course storms will cross my path at some point for that is part of the cycle. But, I needn't fear them. Right now, I can enjoy the beauty of this moment.

Late this afternoon, I went for a walk with a friend. I must confess that I hadn't taken a moment to notice the sky again during the day. Until the moment where the thought passed through my mind, "I thought it was supposed to storm today." Then I gazed up into the sky and smiled at the ever-changing cloud formations.  

What a gift! It had been a beautiful, sunny day. Some storm clouds were starting to move in as puffs of clouds swirled high above. Yes, change is always happening. Endings are inevitable and carry a beauty of their own. The brilliance of beginnings takes our breath away in the moment. They too give way to a beauty of the day--all too easy to miss if we keep our heads always down.

In the now, we are surrounded by miracles in the messages from above.



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