Friday, August 12, 2011

Words to Embrace

Fear really is such a mental habit. This week, the Universe has gifted me with the beautiful blessing of words to edge out the fearful voice that paralyzes me. Here are the words that I choose to focus on...

"It's natural to be nervous and scared the morning of the swim. You are ready for the swim." What a gift from a conversation earlier this week!

"Here's a meditation cd about dolphins that I want to share with you." What a gift from a friend this week! That meditation pushed away the fear.

"You can do this swim. You you will great with your friends in the water. I believe you can do it!" What a gift from my supportive husband!

"Love conquers fear - you can do this with ease." What a gift to receive as a text this morning!

"Sorry I can't make it to your swim, but I love you, and I know that you can do this!" What a gift to get a real hug and such words of encouragement!

"Be there with fins" What a gift of humor in the form of a text!
"I've been thinking of you all week and how you are such and inspiration to push ourselves out of our comfort zones - you are a champion in so many ways." What a gift to read a text that inspires me because I inspired someone else!

"I'll be there early to see you before you swim. I'll pray for you while you swim. I will have time for you after your swim." What a gift from a phone conversation that settled me a bit more tonight!

"Oh, we need you to cheerlead for us. You'll be fine swimming. Just don't forget to cheer for us!" What a gift of confidence and laughter for me!

"Sista Swimma...your courage and grace inspire me. Love you tons..tomorrow will be filled with joy!"
"I will be thinking of you tomorrow morning - you are amazing and inspiring and make a fabulous mermaid. Have a great swim!"
Our words really do matter. All of this love and encouragement truly does matter to me. I am so grateful and feel so blessed that Divinity shares these words with me to nourish my spirit.

It makes me wonder about our daily living. Do we encourage others with our words? Do we say thank you to those who have helped us? Do we use our words to inspire others to use their words in a loving way? Our words really do matter. Other people really do listen to us.

May today inspire me (and perhaps others) to use my own words in a loving supportive way as a beacon for others who are trapped in their own dark fears.


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