Sunday, August 21, 2011

Love Attracts Love

Today, I spent my birthday in the midst of love. What a wonderful gift for me!

I had the honor of attending and participating in the wedding of dear friends. It was amazing. They were married at a vineyard, and it was idyllic. They stood in a gazebo while friends and family watched them renew their vows of commitment after 25 years of marriage. Many tears of happiness and love were shed during the ceremony and even during the reception. It was truly a heartwarming day.

I think that the word that causes me to stop and reflect now is love.

Love. There's nothing like a wedding to make many of us feel gushy inside. It's wonderful to witness the intimate love between two people on their wedding day. They smile, hug, kiss, and dance in celebration of their love. They publically declare their love and display their affection for one antoher without abandon, without hesitation. They allow their love to touch the hearts around them, opening up to even more to love.

It's a shame that the blissfulness of a wedding day rarely makes it into our everyday married lives. Granted that level of celebration and public intensity would be hard to maintain, and I truly recognize that all relationships journey through the peaks and valleys of life. Believe me there are dishes to be done; kids to be bathed and fed; lawns to be mowed; laundry to be washed; appointments to be kept, and demanding jobs that pay the bills. These are part of our daily lives.

The wedded bliss that I'm referring to the simple, daily celebrations of love.

Celebrating with words: I love you. You look beautiful. Are you happy? This is great isn't it? I'm so happy. What a gorgeous day! I appreciate you. Thank you. I'm happy to help you. What do you need? I am grateful for you. You look so happy. You are such a gift to me. What's in your soul? I made a mistake; will you forgive me?

Celebrating with actions: Dancing. Holding each other close. Holding hands. Holding doors. Preparing a meal with love. Giving flowers. Writing love letters. Smiling. Candlelight dinners. Enjoying the sunset. Stargazing. Looking for pictures in the clouds. Dancing and singing in the rain. Jumping in puddles.

It's these daily simple celebrations that constitute a marriage. The wedding day touches our hearts, but at the heart of marriages is the basic human need for LOVE.

I choose to cherish my loved ones with my words and deeds.

I allow the love of others into my heart, and I express gratitude for their loving words and deeds.


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