Tuesday, January 15, 2019

An Old Picture

An old picture from years ago,
a different time, a different life,
my cells have regenerated,
transforming me...
I am me, and yet, no longer me.
I am wiser.
I am grateful for the beauty
Of Mother Earth.
I have learned...
I am the author of my life.
I choose the perspective,
and therefore,
the story I tell myself.

I have shed the role of victim
for the role of Creator.

I choose...
to forgive the betrayals
to accept others as people on the planet doing their best
to love unconditionally
to trust Spirit
to listen to my intuition
to live joyfully
to speak my truth with love
to laugh
to offer kindness
to embrace my life lessons.

And so,
I release the past
and that which no longer serves me
with Love and Compassion.

And I am free.
Laurie xo